It’s Time to end the calamity
Over five years ago I released the first book of the Clockwork Calamity series. A true labor of love, Aether Spark introduced a multitude of characters I’d come to know well in hours of quite solitude. Each possessed dreams of their own, all woven together around a mysteriously fantastic event. The story was a creation charged with potential, often keeping me awake through the night as I imagined where it might take us.
Yet, as sometimes is prone to happen, life drew me away and for a time the manuscripts were left to collect dust upon the shelves.
Now, pen strikes paper once again. With five books in the works it’s difficult to know just how long it will take to see this endeavor through to its end. Still, a dream is a terrible thing left unfulfilled.
Learn more about The Clockwork Calamity Series and how you can help end the calamity by pledging your support on Patreon.
Recent News
Jan. 16, 2024
I’m happy to announce that I’ve relaunched my Patreon campaign! While this is primarily a fundraising platform, it allows me to publish my current works-in-progress early to those who are following along with my journey and don’t want to wait for the official release. It’s also a great place to collaborate with my readers on new ideas, with many of their suggestions influencing the trajectory of the story. Think of it as an exclusive writer’s group. Learn more over on Patreon and see what perks you might enjoy!