Nicholas Petrarch

How do you mend what you’ve already broken?

Much has changed in a single year. The aether spark is lost. The meritocracy has fallen. The whole world seems in turmoil in its efforts to build a better future. Yet, while the people hope for a better world, just how to fashion one proves more difficult than expected.

Tensions rise as prejudices of the past persist, and it’s all Stoddard can do to keep himself out of the public eye. His legacy has all but been destroyed, and the consequences of his choices weigh heavily upon his soul. But when a figure from his past comes seeking a favor, Stoddard must choose once and for all which side of this new world he’ll stand upon, and what part he’ll have in shaping it.

Confronting failure, furry, and a crisis of faith, Aether Construct explores the turn of the world and just how far reaching and destructive man’s ambitions can become.

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